Friday 1 April 2011

Why pick a genre?

My next book to print came out today on Kindle, soon to be available in paperback from Amazon as well.  Yippee!  And yet, I am filled with dread that I have missed a typo or that someone may misinterpret what I have written.

It is called Subgirl and is asbout a 12-year-old genius who turns her skills to substitute teaching.  Of course, I've been subbing on and off for seven years, so you can guess where my inspiration came from.  Still, it's fiction and none of the characters are really based on anyone I met along the way.  They are more prototypes of the kinds of kids and people you meet in life.  I am especially proud of the parents I created in Subgirl.  They made me laugh every time I reworked the book.

So, you may wonder why I would write a middle-grade novel after a Jane Austen sequel.  Truth be known, I wrote Subgril before Expectations.  Jeannette Lynes, who was kind enough to work with me during her Writer-in-Residence stint in Saskatoon, suggested I might have a lot of good stories from my subbing career.  I decided to give it a try.  A couple of years and one baby later, I had the finished draft and began sending it out to publishers and then agents.  I got as close as I've ever been to having a publisher interested.  She actually wanted to see the whole manuscript, but in the end, no one would take it. 

I reworked the book and sent it out again this past fall, but with the success of Expectations on Amazon, I decided it was time to take the book into my own hands and go with online publishing once again.  It really is very satisfying to make all of your own decisions about cover, price, marketing etc.  I went with again and am continually impressed with their product.

So, I haven't picked a genre yet for my writing.  I've tried a screenplay, a Jane Austen Sequel, a middle grade novel, two literary novels and my latest is a young adult crossover novel.  I just write what I'm interested in.  I don't always read the same genre, why write in the same genre?  Anyone else out there enjoying writing in multiple genres?

Subgirl on Kindle

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