Saturday 29 August 2015

Moving to the Coast: Day Six

We actually arrived at our new home on Tuesday, so technically, we are not still moving.  In reality; however, our lives are moving, shifting and rearranging at a breakneck pace so I'm reserving the right to title this post "moving".

We've moved before.  Several times, in fact, but somehow this move is more difficult.  Or have I just forgotten the details of our previous moves?  This would be welcome news, actually.  That all of this anxiety, emotional highs and lows, doubts and fears could be forgotten would be a blessing.

There's a lot that's good, though.  A million reasons to be grateful, so instead of listing the things that make me freak out, I'm choosing to remember the awesomeness.

1.  Our new community has blessed us with fresh food, flowers and friendliness.  Fresh food on an island is even more of a gift than it may sound.  Buying food often requires a ferry trip, packing a cooler and making it back to the ferry in time.  On island purchases are also more dear as they are more costly.  Not to mention, some of our new friends cooked for us.  What an amazing way to help a family during a stressful time.

2.  Breathtaking scenery.  We frequently gaze out the windows, amazed at this new world.  Moving from the Prairies to the Coast is like entering an alternate universe.  I can't wait to explore the trails around us.

3.  The Beach!  The kids are full of questions when we head out to the beach.  What types of shells are we seeing?  How do tides work?  Can a pearl grow in a clam shell?  I have my work cut out for me figuring out the answers to these questions.  Fortunately, we already have our library cards and a stack of books and videos await our discover.

4.  A Parade!  Today, our island celebrated it's annual music festival with a parade for the kids.  We missed the town parade when we left Strathmore, so the kids were thrilled to get the candy they missed.  It was also a wonderful chance to chat with our new community.

5.  A Massage - My husband took the liberty of booking me a massage after the parade today.  He knew I would need it after all of the packing, stress and headaches this week.  It was a wonderful massage.  I fell asleep.  I've never done that before.  If you are moving, do this.  It is the best. 


  1. Such a great way to focus on the positive! I'm impressed by how well the whole family has been handling the move actually - I would probably be a mess! Also, they say women have a kind of amnesia about child birth (or we would never have another) so I wouldn't be surprised if the same thing happened with moving, hah!

    1. Thanks Katie. I was inspired by your thanksgiving posts:) Fingers crossed for the post-move amnesia!
